Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ode to Sisters


1 celebration, 7 cakes, 7 of us.
A weekend for the sisters.
(Pity some couldn't make it but doesn't mean we didn't think of you girls :x )

It rained and poured and the wind howled over the weekend but the heart felt warm inside thanks to the beautiful people that made it happened.


We were no where near hungry after the sumptuous steamboat party and the cakes, but the idea of warm drinks and very nice burger entices us to brave the rain. So we went to this Charlie's Burger for the famous sausage+egg burger with marmite sauce and ordered hot Milos.


Yumm...Almost telur mata kerbau (sunny side up) with lightly buttered crispy toast and sausages drizzled in chilli, mayo and marmite sauce. My, it's really something very 'comforting' in this wet drippy windy cold night.

Eat...Chat...Eat...Chat somemore...Falling asleep...Oops, still chatting!
Finally snuggled into bed while the wind continues to howl and the rain pours outside.


* TING* Woke up to hot steaming fresh blueberry muffins! 
Women, once they get married and about to become mothers....we're so lucky! :) Thanks! Mummy K.


KL is the motherland of nasi lemak, didn't expect I'd miss any of these while living in Penang but... *salivating*. What a perfect appetizer prior to slurrping Laksa away.


Then there's all these specialities...deep fried popiah, chai kuey and kueh talam.
Penangite - we're so lucky to be living in food heaven.


Initially I thought with all the food ordered, I couldn't possibly finish a bowl of Laksa.
Haha. WRONG! After 2 sips, I turned around and ordered one to myself!


I never understood Penangite's obsession with specifically dry fried kuey tiao, until I tasted this one, OH, so this is the ultimate 'standard' that we, the food obsessed nation is seeking. It's fried without excessive oil and with all the ingredients cooked just nice, *fuh* the aroma.... Am I making any sense?


How did we end this wonderful weekend?
Sing our heart and lungs out...

Friends, they're like sand, they either irritate your eyes or become pearls.

I'm lucky for my strings of pearls.

Thank you very much, my dear treasured friends.
Very happy for the wonderful weekend getaway...

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