Friday, June 11, 2010

Black Widow

M," LOOK! OMG, LOOK AT THAT SPIDER! IT'S SO HUGE! (Her eyes huge and in a disbelieved state)
Me, "What? Where?"
Me, "Where? Are you pulling my legs?"
M, "Oh, you mean that one? That's not big."
M, "YES, IT IS."
(I chuckled.)
Me, "You're just exaggerating. Here, let me get rid of it for you."
M, "It's so big it's almost like a tarantula,"
Me, "No it's not, have you seen a tarantula?"
M, "It's bigger than a black widow."
Me, "No it's not, a black widow is much bigger."

So I proceeded with using a stick and tried to get the spider out off the chair. Oh, that's odd, the web was so sticky that I find it hard to poke through the web to the spider. I got a better look at the spider, 'Oh, that's an odd looking spider," I thought to myself.

"Maybe I should hose it out?" I told M.
So I got the hose and started spraying water at the spider. It curled into a ball and stuck to the corner of the chair.
"Wow, it's so strong, it's not coming out."
M, "Hit the chair, flick it in the sand and see if it would come out?"
I tried. It's not coming out.
M took the chair and hit it on the pavement, thinking that it might help get the spider out.
Finally it came out. ALIVE.
"Wow, that's really a resilient spider," we said.

"You know, it could be a black widow after all, see if there's a red colored hour glass underneath it," S said over the fence.
"We should put it in a glass jar and take a look at it," M said.
So I rolled the paper up, the spider climbed onto the paper and I got it into the glass jar. I was so surprised how easy it was. M capped it tightly and we turned the jar over. Lo and behold. It was the - BLACK WIDOW.

Was I brave or a complete fool who is oblivious?
M thinks I'm amazing because I was not afraid of it but, I think I was a fool for not realizing it was a black widow.


1 comment:

grumpyurbanslacker said...

wow your Shanghai hotel is quite swanky! :D